Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Few more pictures...

We just gave Emma another bath... other than the first time when we had the water entirely too cold, she actually seems to really enjoy them. We also had some floor/play time with her right before the bath and I took a few pictures and put them up on flickr...


Emma... 6 weeks old.

Well, I am sorry for not posting more on here, it's pretty hard working in blogging to regular work, baby work, eating and sleeping (that's about all we do). But Emma is 6 weeks old today and she is doing great. She has changed so much in the past few weeks, its almost scary how fast it goes. She went from sleeping pretty much all day to now being awake for the majority of it. Emma is becoming a pro at tummy time and loves to sit up straight when you hold her. She has made numerous trips to Target and especially enjoys the carts that are a little shaky... we went to Home Depot once, but those carts are a little too smooth, so I had to put her in the main basket and let her carrier thing rock.

Emma has been sleeping fairly well (at least she is sleeping better than we are). Her first stretch of sleep seems to be around 4-6 hours usually which is pretty nice. After that it is hit or miss though, last night was pretty good actually. Overall, becoming a parent has definitely been a big change, but it is amazing how quickly you get used to it and thinking back to when we didn't have our daughter seems like a distant memory.

Alison's mom and sister scanned some pictures of Alison when she was a baby, from some angles they look almost identical... from other angles almost nothing a like. It was neat to see the pictures of Alison as a baby, she was almost as cute as Emma ;).

We are not the only ones who have experienced a big change in our lives... Cody and Haley have as well. Cody is great with Emma. He is very attentive to her, when she cries in her room he will go and stand by her door staring at one of us until we get up and help her. One of his new favorite spots to sleep is next to her crib at night. The other day for Alison's birthday we went out to dinner and had my sister in law, Jenn, watch Emma for a bit. She said that Cody just stared at her for a while after we left making sure that everything was going to be OK with his little sister. Haley actually seems to enjoy having Emma around. She doesn't run or anything when Emma is making a lot of noise, she usually just comes up and sits down next to whoever is holding her.

Emma's 2 month checkup is coming up in a couple weeks, right after that... college. It's going so fast that it seems like that's not too far off... Time to open a 529 plan I guess ;)

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Lady Bug Emma

Emma's Aunt Lauren came up not too long ago and brought a gift for Emma. We just put it on her today and it's really cute. I put the pictures up on Flickr (same link from the other post).

Friday, February 13, 2009

Emma is 1 month old today.

Happy Friday the 13th, Emma is one month old now.

I can't believe that it has already been a month... She is going to be going off to college before I know it.

Emma has been sleeping in her own room now for the past few days which has worked out pretty well. She is a handful, but totally worth it.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

More Emma pictures

I put a few more pictures up on Flickr...


Monday, February 9, 2009

Thanks, Tina!

I am typing this one handed so I am going to keep it short... but I just wanted to thank Tina for doing the three paintings for Emma's room (they are not in order in the picture). The colors matched perfectly and we are looking forward to getting them up on the wall. :)

Thanks again!

Emma Grace

I got a new camera yesterday so I will be taking more pictures of Emma.

I put a couple pictures up on Flickr