Monday, June 30, 2008

Front loading washing machines are HEAVY

Growing up we moved around a lot. This gave me plenty of opportunities to move big, heavy, bulky objects. Yesterday I had the pleasure of moving a front loading washing machine up the stairs of our house.

Our washing machine has seen better days and we have been looking to find a better washer for when the baby comes since I am sure our laundry will double for adding one tiny person. After doing a bit of research we came to the conclusion that we wanted to get a front loading washer for not only their load capacity but the water and energy savings as well. We had looked at a few but they were all a bit on the pricey side so we figured we would wait until our existing washer died. I was at Lowes with my brother getting some pressure treated lumber for our deck railing (completely different story) when I saw a few open box washing machines and decided to take a look. I saw a Whirlpool Duet Sport HT washer marked down from $799 to $400. The drawer where you load the detergent was damaged, but had since been replaced and it was in working order. I spoke to the manager and got them to lower the price to $300. This was too good of a deal to pass up, so I bought it and they brought it out front for us and my brother and I said we would load it into his minivan and take it today.

Having moved washers and dryers before, I didn't think this was going to be a problem. Just pick it up and drop it in the back of the van... yea, not so much. When we first "tried" to pick it up, it felt like it was bolted to the ground. After an embarassing first attempt we were able to get it up into the van and back to our house and we got it up the stairs with the help of a hand truck. I have to thank my brother for helping with this since there was no way I would have been able to do it without him.

Now we have a new washer all set up ready for a multitude of soiled baby clothes and blankets and the old one is in the garage ready for Craigslist.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

On the train...

I am currently on my way home from work (I posted this the next morning)... I go in every so often and take the train, kind of nice to not have to drive but I end up having to say until 7pm and don't get home until 8:30ish. I am really fortunate for the job I have. Working from home has been great. I save a lot of money on gas and I save the commute time as well. The higher the gas prices go the more I get paid (pretty much).

We have our bonus room setup as a multi purpose room in preparation for the baby. We have a desk, couch and TV in there now. It will work well as a play room in the future, but right now it's my office. We are going to turn the unused bedroom into the nursery and I am excited to do it. I will probably put up some wainscoting and crown molding and paint it all white and then paint the top of the wall a color to be determined. If we have a boy, it will probably be a pale green, blue or yellow. If it is a girl, we will probably pick from pale green, pink or yellow. I think after our appointment at the end of the month we will start working on it and get it all done except for the painting. I hope the baby likes it :)

Monday, June 23, 2008

First Ultrasound picture

I just wanted to add the first ultra sound picture we got at 7 weeks...

New Ladder ;)

Alison is probably going to make fun of me for putting this in, but I just got a new ladder... It's funny how things have changed. I used to be all excited about getting video games etc... now I get excited about getting a ladder (kinda sad, huh?). Well, I can add a few more things to my "soon-to-be-daddy-to-do-so-I-don't-go-crazy-list". One of those things is to trim one of the trees in the backyard that is getting a little too tall.

I never realized how much work it would take to keep up with landscaping. I completely understand why people hire a lawn service. I have been doing quite a bit better with it. It was a struggle at first, but it is finally coming around and I am pretty proud of it. I do not know the names of anything I am working on other than + . The purple flowers, tall tree, big bushes and the crazy vines.

I am really excited about being able to play with our kids in our back yard. One of the first things I pictured when I walked out onto the deck was Cody and our future kids playing. I guess it didn't hurt with the playground the previous owners had set up. Ever since I saw that pregnancy test come out positive I have seemed to have an abundance of energy and I just want to do all that I can to make everything as good as it possibly can be when we have our first child... I know that all the baby will need is our love (which they already have)... but I figure a decent looking lawn and a nice home won't hurt either. ;)

Our blog...

This is the first post on our Blog. Alison and I have been living in North Carolina for just over a year now. We have a lot going on and we figured it would be fun to have a medium for us to share everything. We bought a house in Apex in August 07 and we have been working on making it our home. Our dog Cody (yellow lab) loves having a back yard to run around and play.

The biggest news we have right now is that Alison and I are expecting... yup, Alison is pregnant. The baby is due in the middle of Janurary and we are really excited. I have gone into crazy expectant father mode trying to do things to the house that I am sure are not necessary, but it keeps me from going nuts.

We had our first ultra sound just a few weeks ago and were were able to see the little heart beating... they had a machine to make the visual heart beats into sounds... pretty incredible.

Alison will be at the end of the first trimester at the end of the month and we have our second appointment and we will post more about that as we get closer.