Monday, August 25, 2008

Half way there....AHHHHHHHHHH

Well, this week we are at the half way point. I can go into the whole glass half full or half empty thing, but it still means there is a baby on the way and she is not slowing down at all. I put up crown molding and a chair rail in the baby's room this weekend. We used Disney colors for the paint. The colors we used are "Tinkerbell Green" on the top half of the room and "Pooh's Corner" on the ceiling. The bottom half of the wall and all of the molding will be white. Once it is all done, I will be sure to take some pictures. It looks pretty green in there right now, but once we get some pink curtains and girly decorations up, it will look more like a baby's room.

I put some shelves up in the closet for the obscene amount of baby things we will eventually be storing in there. We put an outfit on a little kids hanger and hung it up in the closet. It's funny to see tiny clothes hanging up, altough I am not sure why. It is probably because I am used to seeing my huge clothes.

We decided to go with the darker wood baby furniture. I think it will look really nice, and it will go well with the light colors on the wall. After we get the furniture in there, I am going to mount some bookshelves to the wall. I can't wait to read stories to my daughter. I guess I won't have to wait much longer, huh? We have our next appointment on Friday, and hopefully everything will continue to go smoothly. We have been very fortunate so far.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Registering for baby stuff is serious business...

Alison and I went to register at a few places this past weekend and I am still recovering from it. Target and Pottery barn Kids wasn't that bad but BabiesRUs was terrifying. There are so many things in there we didn't even know where to start. We got a little trigger happy on some stuff, but I think we got most everything we needed. Alison's sister, Lauren, and Alison's best friend Tina are throwing a baby shower for her in Florida in October. They seem really excited about getting all the little girly stuff together and I am sure Alison will have a blast.

My brother and sister-in-law were nice enough to let us use some of the stuff they had so we will have to take those off of the registry. It's nice being able to talk to people who have went though this already so they can let you know what worked, what didn't work etc. There are tons of things that I have no idea about. If you can think of anything that you would have loved to know when you had your first, please post a comment.


Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Ultrasound pictures

I am attaching one the 18 week ultrasound pictures. She's beautiful, isn't she?

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Houston, we have girl parts...

Well, its 99% official now. We are having a girl! The ultrasound seemed like it took forever, the technician did a full scan of the baby to see how she (it’s weird to say that) was growing and then right at the end she says, “…and there are the girl parts.” It was so nonchalant that it kind of took me by surprise. I think that OB/GYN offices should have a game show announcer or something… at least a drum roll. We have been waiting like 4 months to find out, how about a little build up? :) It was amazing though. Our daughter is beautiful and I can’t wait to see her.

Now we are on to figuring out names, colors, curfews, no boys in the house after dark and everything else that comes with having a baby girl. For being as scary as it is, I honestly have never been more excited.

T-Minus 210 minutes and counting...

Today is our ultrasound appointment to determine the sex of the baby. It's kind of nerve racking. Pretty soon it will be even more of a reality than it was before. Before we were having a baby... now we will be having our son or daughter. Alison had a dream last night about us having a baby boy; she has seemed to think it was going to be a boy from pretty early on. I have been on the fence though.

This weekend will be fun either way for sure. We will probably start some of the decorating in the office and start registering for all kinds of baby stuff. It's a very exciting time. I will be sure to post again in a few hours to let you know the sex.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Brother Cody, Sister Haley...

I had trouble sleeping last night, and I started thinking about our dog, Cody, will feel being a big brother when we have our baby. I know he will not receive the same amount of attention he does now, but Alison and I are both going to try to keep giving him as much attention as we can afford. Cody is a real gentle giant, he is a little over 90 lbs., and I have a feeling he will fall in love with our baby. I can easily picture him sleeping by the crib or sleeping by the baby's door. I think our cat, Haley, will be good around the baby, and if not, that is another story. However, I don't picture her spending too much time near the baby. I see her as the hiding under the bed until the little human leaves type of animal. She will probably not be as accepting of the new addition to our family as Cody will be, but you never know; only time will tell.

One thing we will teach Cody is that just because something is brightly colored and on the floor, doesn't necessarily mean that its a toy for him to destroy. He is very good about only chewing only on his own toys now. However, I'm not sure how we can get him to understand that not all toys are his anymore. He will probably be able to distinguish the smell of baby drool versus his own. I guess a trip to the store to pick up a few inexpensive baby toys wouldn't hurt to see if he can resist the temptation of a shiny new toy. I feel bad for those toys; they don't know what's coming.