Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Baby in 3D!!!

We had our 3D ultra sound the other day and it is amazing the amount of detail you can see with the images. We have determined that she will have Alison's lips and my nose lol. She wasn't being very cooperative during the procedure, but we were able to get a few pictures that came out pretty good. She seems to like to have her hands in front of her face a lot. Most of the pictures we have she has at least one hand up (sometimes a foot too).

We went on the tour of Wake Med Cary to see the rooms etc. It's a very nice hospital and we hear great things about it from anyone that has given birth there. We actually saw one of our doctors there in scrubs. I was a little surprised to see him there, but I probably shouldn't have been.

We are really looking forward to everything that is coming, even though it is coming very, very, VERY fast. This morning we were talking about it almost being December. Now when we tell people that the baby is due in January they say, "Oh, you have some time." If you say that the baby is due next month it sounds like we should be waiting around the hospital lol.

1 comment:

Debby Mayne said...

I love her lips AND her nose! She's beautiful!