Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Once upon a time...

I have started reading to the belly. I know that sounds kind of funny, but I have seen a few sites that recommend reading to the baby while they are still in the womb. Most of them say that by about 18 weeks the baby will be able to recognize your voice; I am starting a little early mainly because I found a book I wanted to read. As our pregnancy progresses I plan to continue reading out loud for about 15-20 minutes a night. I start off the story telling with a few taps on the belly to let the baby know what’s going on. I like doing this so the baby can get used to my voice as well and I think it is good practice.

I don’t really remember many books from when I was younger other than the Golden Books and the Shel Silverstein books (Light in the Attic, Where the Sidewalk Ends etc). Alison and I were at Barnes and Nobel the other day waiting for the rain to let up a bit before we headed out to our car and we looked around in the kid’s book section. I didn’t see any Golden Books though. I hope they still make them, if not eBay is a pretty useful tool. I am really looking forward to reading to our baby. All the parenting sites and books say that it is really good for the child’s development and helps with their attention span and learning ability for the rest of their lives. It’s pretty cool that something so simple (and fun) would have such a wonderful effect on our baby.

1 comment:

Debby Mayne said...

Great idea to read to my grandchild! With the two of you for parents, this will be one very smart kid!