Saturday, September 6, 2008

She shoots, she scores.... GOAL!!!

I felt our baby kick the other day for the first time. I had my hand on Alison's stomach not really expecting to be able to feel anything and then all of a sudden I felt a little tap on my hand. Alison said that my eye's got really wide and I just said "Woah!" It is safe to say that I was completely taken off guard and didn't expect that to happen. She is now about 11 inches long from head to toe and she weighs about a pound. I think that it will be weird when we will be able to see her move from side to side.

Alison and I went out to lunch today at some restaurant that made salads and grilled sandwiches etc. It was right next to Babies R Us so we decided to go in and take a look around. We were walking by a clearance table and I saw a really cute chandelier for the baby's room. I had remembered seeing it online and the reviews said that it was misleading in the pictures since it was actually yellow with sprays of white instead of all white. It gave it a textured look. We ended up getting it since it was a really good deal and I just got a can of white spray paint and now its hanging in the garage drying, just waiting to go up into her room. The picture here is what it looked like on the website (it looked more yellow than that picture, but now it will be completely white). I will be sure to post a picture when I have the light up in the room.

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