Thursday, September 25, 2008

Beep... bee boop... Beep... bee boop... "Dad, you're so old!"

When our baby is old enough to play video games (if she wants to) they are going to be so much more advanced than the stuff that I played when I was younger. Last year for my birthday, Alison got me a Wii and I have downloaded a few of the older NES games on it. I recently got MegaMan which was a huge hit for me back in the day. I play it now and it looks horrible... its fun still (although really frustrating), but it looks pretty bad. I am sure that when she is old enough, she will surely ridicule the lack of motion sensing and thought reading controls lacking from the games her 'old man' used to play. Who knows, maybe I will still be up on those things when it comes to that time. I think it's much different now than it was when I was growing up. The parents to my generation didn't have video games growing up so they had no idea what was going on and kind of started in a hole. Maybe when I am 60 I can play some Playstation 9 with my grand kids, I might even let them win once in a while ;)


Tina Bass said...

I think you, Jimmy, and gary are always going to be up to date on games. I'm counting on you guys so Jimmy can get his Wii and and Playsstation fix!

Jason and Alison said...

If I get a PS3, Jimmy will have to get one too so Jimmy, Gary and I can all play football online together :)

Unknown said...

I didn't even know you could play online together! This PS3 may be more useful than I though ;)